Workshops & Tutorials


Eigth International Workshop on Behavior Change Support Systems (BCSS 2020)

Pasi Karppinen

Program CHAIR

Oulu Advanced Research on Service and Information Systems, University of Oulu, Finland

Harri Oinas-Kukkonen

General CHAIR

University of Oulu, Finland

Lisette van Gemert-Pijnen

General CHair

University of Twente, The Netherlands

M. Sriram Iyengar

Program CHAIR

Clinical Outcomes Research Analytics

Department of Medicine , University of Arizona, USA

Behavior Change Support Systems (BCSS), already running for the eighth time at Persuasive Technology, is a workshop that builds around the concept of systems that are specifically designed to help and support behavior change in individuals or groups. The highly multi-disciplinary nature of designing and implementing behavior change strategies and systems for the strategies has been in the forefront of this workshop from the very beginning.

The persuasive technology field is becoming a linking pin connecting natural and social sciences, requiring a holistic view on persuasive technologies, as well as multi-disciplinary approach for design, implementation, and evaluation. So far, the capacities of technologies to change behaviors and to continuously monitor the progress and effects of interventions are not being used to its full potential.

The use of technologies as persuaders may shed a new light on the interaction process of persuasion, influencing attitudes and behaviors. Yet, although human- computer interaction is social in nature and people often do see computers as social actors, it is still unknown how these interactions re-shape attitude, beliefs, and emotions, or how they change behavior, and what the drawbacks are for persuasion via technologies. Humans re-shape technology, changing their goals during usage. This means that persuasion is not a static ad-hoc event but an ongoing process.

Technology has the capacity to create smart (virtual) persuasive environments that provide simultaneously multimodal cues and psycho-physiological feedback for personal change by strengthening emotional, social, and physical presence. An array of persuasive applications has been developed over the past decade with an aim to induce desirable behavior change. Persuasive applications have shown promising results in motivating and supporting people to change or adopt new behaviors and attitudes in various domains such as health and wellbeing, sustainable energy, education, and marketing.

This workshop aims at connecting multidisciplinary researchers, practitioners and experts from a variety of scientific domains, such as information sciences, human-computer interaction, industrial design, psychology and medicine. This interactive workshop will act as a forum where experts from multiple disciplines can present their work, and can discuss and debate the pillars for persuasive technology.
For more information visit:

Behaviour Design Sprint - Let’s play a game

Anne-Kathrine Kjær Christensen

General CHAIR

Owner and Customer Experience Consultant, Specifii

Join this hands-on workshop and try the SPECIFII® behaviour design game. The game is included in a 5-days behaviour design sprint with a structured user driven design process. The game includes roles and more than 70 drivers from psychology and rhetoric. In this workshop you will play the game, learn the theoretical and methodological underpinning of the sprint and apply drivers in sketches to end up with design concepts.

The facilitator is Anne-Kathrine Kjær Christensen. Anne is owner of Specifii and the founder of the SPECIFII® behaviour design game. She has a master in Persuasive Design from Aalborg University (2008).

Come play and send a presentation of yourself to Please inform your name, education, position, why you want to join and what you expect to get out of the workshop. 

5th International Workshop on Personalizing Persuasive Technologies Workshop 2020


Rita Orji

Dalhousie University, Canada

Jaap Ham

Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands

Kiemute Oyibo

University of Saskatchewan, Canada

Joshua Nwokeji

Gannon University, USA

Oladapo Oyebode

Dalhousie University, Canada

Research has shown that personalizing persuasive technologies can increase their effectiveness and potentially leads to sustained behavioral change. Building on the success of the workshop in the past four years which attracted 100s of participants from over 20 different countries and led to a special issue, this year’s workshop will further advance the research area by addressing outstanding challenges and opportunities identified during the previous workshops and developing a new focus areas for the field. The workshop aims to connect a diverse group of researchers and practitioners interested in personalization and tailoring of persuasive technologies. Attendees are encouraged to share their experiences, ideas, discuss key challenges facing the area, and discuss how to move the field forward.

The workshop will cover broad areas of personalization and tailoring, including but not limited to personalization models, computational personalization, design and evaluation methods, and personalized persuasive technologies. We welcome submissions and ideas from any domain of persuasive technology and HCI including, but not limited to health, sustainability, games, safety and security, marketing, eCommerce, entertainment, and education. Workshop papers and ideas will be archived online to be accessible to the general public.

All accepted papers will be published on the Ceur-WS proceedings and authors will have the opportunity to extend their papers and submit for consideration as part of a special issue in this area in the future.

This workshop is free and open to every conference participant at no additional cost. 



Persuasive systems design, evaluation and research through the PSD model

Harri Oinas-Kukkonen

Oulu Advanced Research on Service and Information Systems, University of Oulu, Finland

This tutorial will introduce conceptual frameworks for designing, evaluating and researching persuasive systems, known as Persuasive Systems Design (PSD) model and Behavior Change Support System (BCSS) framework. The PSD describes the process for persuasive systems development and it explains what kind of software functionality may be implemented in the service or product. The model highlights fundamentals behind any persuasive system and ways to analyze contexts for persuasion. It also helps select effective persuasive features, and categorizes them into primary task, computer-human dialogue, system credibility, and social influence. The PSD model and BCSS framework can be applied for developing and evaluating both full-fledged interventions and lighter persuasive applications, carrying out systematic literature reviews, actually building the software for these applications as well as user experience and actual intervention outcome research with these approaches. Research results utilizing the PSD model and BCSS framework will be presented.