Submission Guidelines

Short or Full Paper

 Important Dates 

Submission Deadline: December 6th 2019
Decision notification: January 17th 2020 
Camera ready version: January 31st 2020


 Take the time to spend 5 minutes consulting Springer’s authors’ guidelines when preparing your paper.

Make sure to use the Springer LNCS proceedings template, either for LaTeX or for Word, when preparing your paper.

Remember that a full paper must not exceed 12 pages and a short paper must not exceed 6 pages including references.

Remember that your paper must be anonymized for the review process. That means removing author names, emails and affiliations etc.

Save your paper as a PDF before submitting it.

We look forward to receiving your submission! To submit, can be sent here.

Workshops & Tutorials

 Important Dates 

Submission Deadline: February 20th 2020
Decision notification: February 25th 2020 
Camera ready version: March 10th 2020

  When writing your proposal, remember that we need to understand the topic and why it is important to our conference and relevant to the Persuasive Technology society. Help us understand your idea behind the submission.

  Make sure to use the Springer LNCS proceedings template, either for LaTeX or for Word, when preparing your proposal.

  Please remember to limit your proposal to 4 pages – including references.

  Workshop and tutorial submissions are peer reviewed but not blind – so there is no need to anonymize anything.

  Remember to save your file as a pdf before submitting it.

Submit your proposal to the following email:

Posters & Demos

 Important Dates 

Submission Deadline: February 20th 2020
Decision notification: February 25th 2020 
Camera ready version: March 10th 2020


  Remember that we need to understand how your work relates to persuasive technologies or to behavior change in general. Help us understand your thoughts behind the submission – we can learn all about your technical specifications during the conference.

  Make sure to limit your proposal to no more than 2 pages.

  State clearly in your proposal whether you are contributing with a poster or an interactive demo.

  Submissions are peer reviewed but not blind – so there is no need to anonymize anything.

  Remember that if your proposal is accepted, you will need to bring any needed hardware yourself.

When you are ready, submit your proposal to

Doctoral Consortium

 Important Dates 

Submission Deadline: February 15th 2020
Decision notification: March 15th 2020 
Camera ready version: April 2nd 2020


  Provide us with a brief introduction to your research project, and if possible include a point about how your work relates to the Persuasive technology field. – You may not know exactly how it relates just yet so this is not a requirement.

  Make sure to use the Springer LNCS proceedings template, either for LaTeX or for Word, when preparing your paper.

  Make sure that your paper does not exceed 3 pages including references.

  Submissions are peer reviewed but not blind – so there is no need to anonymize anything.

When ready, submit your paper to